Dan Hintz Apps

Export Messages 2.0
Dan Hintz
OVERVIEWExport Messages can be used to transfer your SMS/MMS textmessages to another application or location. You can selectindividual or all messages within a single thread, or selectmessages between different threads. You can also select allmessages in all threads for export, which is a great way to archiveyour messages before deleting from your device.WAYS TO EXPORTThere are 4 ways you can export your messages:1. Copy to Clipboard2. Export as Raw Text3. Export to Text File4. Export to Archive File (compressed ZIP file)The first 3 methods are for text only. If you have mediaattachments on any selected messages, they will not be part of theexported text. If you want them to be included, then you will needto select Export to Archive File.Copy to Clipboard will copy the text of selected messages to theclipboard, and you can paste this text in any otherapplication.The 'Export as Raw Text' will send the raw text of selectedmessages to another application. For example, use this method toexport the text into the body of an email message.The 'Export to Text File' will send the raw text of selectedmessages to another application as a text file. For example, thismethod can be used to add a text file to an email message as a textfile attachment (text/plain).The 'Export to Archive File' will create a compressed ZIP file(application/zip) to send to another application on your device. Atext file named messages.txt will be in the archive, which willcontain the message text of the selected messages. Other files inthe archive will be actual media attachments from the selectedmessages.SELECTING MULTIPLE THREADSSelecting multiple threads is a new feature for version 2.0.When selecting multiple threads, if a textual method is used forexport, the text that is created will contain a section for eachthread with selected messages.If an archive file is the desired export method, then thearchive file will contain a file for each selected thread, and itwill either be a text file (if no selected messages in the threadhave media attachments) or an archive file (if at least oneselected message in the thread has a media attachment).SORTING THREADSYou can sort the list of threads by clicking on the sort buttonat the top. There are 4 ways to sort your messages:1. By Display Name2. By Display Name (contacts first)3. By Last Message Time4. By Message CountThe first methods will sort by the display name. The secondmethod will also sort by display name, however threads with atleast one contact will be ordered first. Sorting by Last MessageTime will look at the last message in each thread and sort by thedate and time of that last message. Sorting by Message Count willorder the threads by the total number of messages in thethread.For each sort method, you can select which direction you'd liketo display the threads, Ascending or Descending.If you change the sort method on the threads list, that changeis only applicable until you leave the threads list to the mainscreen. If you want to change the sort method every time you enterthe threads list, you can change it on the Settings page.MEDIA ATTACHMENTSYou can also export individual media attachments while on theMessages view. Simply locate a message that has a media attachment,and click and hold the message (a long click) and a popup willdisplay the media attachments on that message. You can then selectan attachment to immediately export to another application on yourdevice.SETTINGSCurrently, there is only one setting that is customizable, whichis the default thread sort order. This will be the initial sortorder of the threads when entering the threads list. However, thisdefault sort order can be changed on-the-fly at any time.